Friday, December 12, 2008

Nothing but Love....

The year was 1995. We were all living in one house at some point of the year. When I say all, I mean Brent's parents, Jennifer and her family, Todd, Deborah and Brent, Tyler and I. None of us had money and I can't remember how we all made it through that year. I was not working outside of the home, so I watched Sarah so Jennifer could work, transported people to and from work and tried to put dinner on the table when I could for everyone. We truly had nothing but love that year.

That is what I love about this ornament. Jennifer made us these. Mine is the only one that had made it though all the moves intact. I love that we all survived that year and something beautiful came of it. I love handmade gifts! There is so much love and thought put into them.

With a failing economy, I am very scared. I keep wondering how we are going to make it each and every day. The last time I remember feeling like this, was during the time of this ornament. We did pull through. We did it as a family. It took everyone doing their part. We need to find that courage and strength and teamwork to do this once more! Through God, we will survive!


Deborah said...

I still have my ornament! What a fun and interesting year we all had. Those were good times. Really missing everyone now!