Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas Everyone! This is me enjoying my wonderful Christmas gift from my parents. They gave me a cookie jar full of cookies just like my Nanny used to make and also the recipe to make my own. What a wonderful surprise. Don't you love it when someone gives you a gift that you didn't know you needed or would have even been able to come up with it yourself? Yet, how many times are the perfect gifts those we cannot imagine in our own mind? Sounds familiar? Enjoy your family today and the gift from God that we could not have imagined in our own minds... Jesus!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The First Star

This is a very special Christmas star. Brent and I put it on layaway along with an artificial tree at Walmart for our 1993 Christmas. I remember when we finally paid it off and were able to bring it to our little apartment at Bible School. What a special time that was. I long for those simple days again when picking up a tree from layaway was a special occasion.

Just another reminder of the more we gain, the more we lose. I was thinking about that this year as I have been reflecting on a lot of our family memories. We were the happiest when we did not have as much. I think that is the lesson God teaches in his Word and it truly is the heart of being a Christian! Finding that peace and fulfillment in Christ will leave you fully content!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Happy 16th Anniversary Brent!

It is our anniversary today. We have been married 16 years. I told Brent if we had begun our life from the first year we were married, we are now at the legal age to drive! We have been through so many experiences, ups, downs, and everything in between. I think we have the marriage vows covered so far,(in sickness and health, richer or poorer) and God has blessed us to come so far in the short time we have been married.

We have brought three children into this world, adopted one special little girl, and have lost two babies in miscarriages. That is a lot of children that God has entrusted into our care. Somehow I do not feel capable or qualified to do all that God has asked me to do and constantly call Him on this! God reminds me that I am not capable of doing this alone and that is why He brought Brent to me. Brent is the special gift that allows me to keep going when I do not feel like it. He is my complete opposite yet my complete fit. Where I lack, he has the ability. It is amazing how perfect a fit he is for me!

Happy Anniversary, Brent! I love you!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Pink Christmas Cane

This is an ornament Brent requested from his mom that they used to put on their tree when he was growing up. I am not sure of the sentimental value, and I need to ask Brent to tell me the story behind this ornament made of felt pipe and glitter. He loves this ornament and it has been faithfully on the tree every year. Isn't it amazing how we can get attached to something so small or trivial as a small handmade ornament? I know for a fact that Brent would notice if it was not on the tree.

God views us like this! We can seem so insignificant, faded and small but he notices when we are missing or have gone astray! We mean so much to Him even when we do not feel that we amount to anything!