Thursday, February 15, 2007


I have found that Thursdays are the hardest day of the week for me. Thursdays remind me of how little time is left to do the things I said I would do during the week. That's how I feel today. I have stacks of projects, two birthdays to prepare for, a huge party to throw, cakes to make, and a mound of my own school work waiting to be done. The photo is what is just on my nightstand alone. I know what my stress level is and I know when I am going to go over the edge. God has shown me recently that there are always warning signs when I need to slow down. It is usually following periods of time when I am not getting sleep or eating right. My physical body lacks much in being invincible.

That's what I love about God. He has no Thursdays like me. He has no down days or stressed days. There isn't certain days that are easier to reach him on. He is the same, he is consistent, he is always there and ready for me.

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and Forever."
Hebrews 13:8


Anonymous said...

Emily, I am enjoying your sharing so much. Is that okay if just you, I and God enjoy it. Please keep it up.

Love, Mom