Thursday, July 19, 2007

Blue Lights

I got a speeding ticket yesterday. It was my first speeding ticket. I was preoccupied with my thoughts, late for a job interview, and a little eager to get there at lightning speed. The state trooper was in a great place, and there was no slowing down fast enough to fly under the radar gun. It was quite a big ticket, and I was in Brent's car fumbling to find registration, insurance and license. I feel bad..... I didn't pay attention, I hurried, and I got caught going too fast. Sometimes things find a way to confront you with a smack in the face. When the blue lights appear in your rear mirror there is nothing you can do but pull over and face the music. There is no choice or option, unless a high speed chase is your idea of fun. God does that sometimes, doesn't he? How many times have I gotten away with something and then BANG! I am confronted in my face with a situation that has to be dealt with in the moment. There is no later, but now.

Job 5:17-18
" But consider the joy of those corrected by God!
Do not despise the discipline of the Almighty when you sin.
For though he wounds, he also bandages.
He strikes, but his hands also heal."


Anonymous said...

Hi Emily,

Kay told me about your blog a few days ago. I am finally getting around to reading it. I have enjoyed getting caught up to date with what's been going on with your family. I also appreciate the spiritual insights you have shared. I can relate to a lot of what you have shared...the ups and downs, etc.
Sure would love to see you guys sometime. We will be coming to Sanford for meetings the middle of August. Maybe we can try during that week. We will be in touch.

Love & prayers,
Deb Ross