Tuesday, February 20, 2007

My Nanny

I love my Nanny. She recently went to be with the Lord in 2005 and I miss her every single day. She was so Godly and wise. She loved to read and loved to write. She had books and journals filled with her thoughts that she constantly wrote down. Reading them are a treasure for me. I thought I would share a portion today.

"Home is the most enjoyable place I have found. I have the things around me I enjoy. I do not have to go running after or seeking pleasures somewhere else. If one likes himself, he can stay home alone at night or day. When the lights go off, the darkness surrounds me and there is a prescense in the darkness which holds me until the light of day comes through the Windows.

How nice it is to rest peacefully in this darkness knowing you are cared for by a higher power which shuts all the outside world out.

Don't expect someone else to make you happy. Happiness comes from within ourselves. When you go off looking for happiness you may wind up with an empty basket."
Geraldine Newton