Thursday, February 5, 2009

God's Mysterious Ways

I was in a hurry the other day and was held up in a meeting a little longer than I wanted and felt bad about it on the way home. As I made my way home in the pouring rain I came across this accident which had happened earlier. I am sure we all have had this happen at some point in our lives when we realize, "That could have been me!"

Maybe it would have not been me. Maybe it would have happened after I passed that way, who knows? But the realization that God works in mysterious ways is one that continually keeps me trusting in Him. It also reminds me not to complain when the line at the checkout is too long or when I have to drive around forever for a parking space at the daycare. Maybe God is just allowing me a little extra time to avoid something that would have happened had I continued in my hurried pace. Think of all the people you meet in the course of the day and at the exact moment you meet them. Some people have met their one true love by running into them in an unexpected manner. What timing God has.

Isaiah 45:15

" Truly, O God of Israel, our Savior,
you work in mysterious ways."


Anonymous said...

Thanks Emily that was a great reminder. Love Mom