Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Voting Line

Brent and I went to vote today. It was about a 1 1/2 hour wait. This line curved around almost twice when we got to the door to vote. It was an interesting experience as people just patiently waited to cast their vote. I did not hear anyone being vocal about their wait or impatient. We met a few people along the way as well. A local realtor happened to be standing in front of us and we got to talking about the market and he was able to give us quite a bit of insight on his end of the business. He had been all over the world and lived in South Korea for over 10 years.

We would have never talked to him that long had we not all been forced to stand in line and wait. I am challenged by the opporutnities that are presented each day. They are there for a reason. It is like an adventure we set out to experience each day with God. He has a plan and an experience for us, we just have to agree to let Him work each day.

Brent and I and the boys watched the latest Indiana Jones movie this past weekend. ( I know we are a little behind the times) It made me think how our Christian walk should be like that type of adventure! The movie always has him teaching in his classroom and then someone always comes to the door and BAM! he ends up is some kind of adventure where his friends become his enemies and his enemies becomes his friends and in the end he always gets the prize.

I know God works like that....You are just going through your normal life, minding your own business and BAM! your life gets turned upside down. Your friends become your enemies and your enemies become the ones who teach you the most. You might find yourself apprehensive of what is coming next. Fearing the unknown, but at the same time realizing that there is great reward on the other side. God doesn't put us down an adventuresome road for His entertainment, but for us to lean on Him for strength. It is very scary and exciting all the same, so grab your hat and your whip and get ready!

I Corinthians 16:13

" Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong."


Anonymous said...

i can't help thinking it's awesome that there has been such long lines all over... people taking a greater interest in public issues is always a good thing

Anonymous said...

I like your analagy here Emily. Excellent insight. Love Mom