Saturday, May 3, 2008

Wesley's Interception

Wesley made an interception in March at one of their football games. This was a huge deal in our house. Playing defense, there isn't much opportunity to actually make a touchdown. Although he didn't make it down to the field goal line, he did get halfway. It is such a nice thing to do something great by accident. I know sometimes I get in the rut that what I do doesn't really matter. Then something happens and I act on impulse and end up with a great moment just like Wesley's

God doesn't do anything by accident. His planning is wonderful and we would never be able to grasp how He works.

(Wesley is on the far right facing the camera)

Isaiah 55:8

"My thoughts are completely different from yours, says the Lrd. And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine"


Anonymous said...

Wish my feet were as perfect as yours Wesley:) Mama Bobbi

Anonymous said...

Guess I posted that comment to the wrong place:) Glad I was there for your touch down Wesley. Mama Bobbi