Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve

Christmas eve is an interesting time for me. The stress of every last minute detail mixed with the realization everything that had been planned for so long is about to come to an end. Better yet, knowing that every decoration that was carefully put in its place will have to be soon taken down and packed away!

Besides the work, it is a time to consider the year and all that God has done in our lives

This picture is of our nativity set. We bought it piece by piece shortly after we were married. It has been through many moves. It isn't perfect. We have a donkey without an ear and a sheep that has had an involuntary leg amputation. I love that, though. It reminds me that God loves for imperfection to come to Him. It is his specialty. I thought I would share an article that I wrote about 8 years ago:

God's Master Plan

It could have come about in the most logical way. It could have been royalty giving birth to a son in the most extravagant surroundings. There could have been wealth untold, fireworks could have lit the sky, and there could have been the grandest celebration with only the most eligible in attendance...
Instead, it took a miracle; that a woman, meek and humble, also a virgin, could carry the son of God in her womb.
It took taxes, a financial distress, to bring Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem.
It took a journey to get there. Such a discomfort it must have been at such a delicate time.
It took a baby, the Son of God, in the smallest bundle, to bring men, Shepards and Wise Men to their knees.
It took a stable, full of animals and smells, to be the first place Jesus would lay His head.
It took just one star, to shine through the black of night to lead the wise men to Jesus.
Time after time, we find ourselves in awe over God's plan and how it differs from even our best ideas. God works in the smallest detail...How Wonderful!
Everything God prepared that night was perfect. Even the smallest detail was exactly the way He had planned.
What looks to us like such a dismal situation was a masterpiece of God's own design. How wonderful to know the Master-Planner is working in our hearts as well.
Merry Christmas!