Saturday, November 10, 2007

Modern Art

I just finished a course in my college, Survery of 20th Century Modern Art, which I actually enjoyed. I am sure you groaned when you read the title, but it really was interesting to delve into the history of art in our country.
One story I found intersting is of the artist who created the above piece of art in New York City.
His name was Richard Sierra and his piece was called Tilted Arc. He was comissioned to create the public artwork in front of this busy office building. His artwork stood near the entrance of the building and forced pedestrians to walk around the massive structure to get to their destination instead of a traveling a straight shot to the building. His idea was to make people think about the direction their lives were taking by having to walk out of their way. His artwork was not received well and through complaints and petitions it was dismantled and taken to a scrap yard.
It is a sad story for the artist as you can imagine the thought of something he created and believed in so deeply taken to a scrap yard. Deeper yet, it made me think of how we always seek the easy way to do things. When we have to take the time to think about the direction our lives are going, we complain. We would rather remain in the busy cycle without "time-outs" to actually discover what is really going on in our lives. God throws Tilted Arcs in our lives everyday, it is in our best interest to enjoy the walk around them.
Lamentations 3:8-9
" And though I cry and shout,
he has shut out my prayers.
He has blocked my way with a high stone wall;
he has made my road crooked"


Anonymous said...

Emily you certainly have a God given talent in writing these devotionals. They are very inspiring to me. I'm so proud of my girl. Love Mom O.