Monday, September 24, 2007


Our lives are all about balance these days. Balancing really is an art. If you think of gymnasts up on the balance beam, you think about the art of balancing. One wrong move and they face the possibility of a broken ankle or even a broken neck. Thankfully, I will not break my neck at home if I don't have supper ready on time, but I am learning that balancing between work, family and other responsibilites takes a lot of planning and a lot of patience. Realizing that I can't get everything done everyday on my "to do list" has been liberating. I try to do everything full-steam ahead and not look back to see what is left in my tracks. I burn out easily because of this and need to learn the slow and steady approach to life.

This summer we had a lot of fun in the pool with a life raft my father brought us on their trip to visit in August. The fun was getting in and out of the raft without flipping out. Even more fun is getting everyone in and figuring a way for everyone to get back out without flipping over. It really did involve balance. I thought about how life is like that also, the more people you add to the boat, the easier it cn tip over. Finding a way to work together and keep the boat balanced is the key.

Psalm 119:108-109
" Lord, accept my offering of praise,
and teach me your regulations.
My life constantly hangs in the balance,
but I will not stop obeying your instructions."


Anonymous said...

Hi Emily,

Thanks for using the picture. What a great analogy. Hope you all are balancing out things. That is always hard with so much going on. I'm rooting for you. Love Mom O.