Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Perfect Picture

Okay, so we had to purchase this portrait from her school. Actually, I have to admit I bought the whole CD so we could print as many as we want anytime. I am usually not pulled towards buying the school portraits, but how could I resist? My neighbor actually said, "she's not my kid, but even I would buy this photo!" I have no idea how they took the perfect picture of Dakota, I have yet to do so myself and I love photography.

Isn't it wonderful when things work out perfectly? Doesn't she look perfect and would never do anything to get in trouble? I will answer that with a hmmm......

Psalm 50:1-2

" The Mighty One, God, the LORD,
speaks and summons the earth
from the rising of the sun to the place where it sets.

From Zion, perfect in beauty,
God shines forth."


Anonymous said...

Yes I agree Emily, that is a perfect picture of Dakota. Wow!