Thursday, January 3, 2008

TIme Capsule

Packing up the Christmas decorations. Every year when I carefully place all those breakable and not-so-breakable items away, I think of the process as making a time capsule to be opened later in the year. I try to imagine what my life will be like when I open the boxes back up, excited to get the decorations out and eager to put up the tree. It is so hard right now to imagine feeling like Christmas!

It is hard to know the future. It is even harder to wait for it through eyes of pre-planned expectations. My life is always full of surprises and I have no idea what is going to happen even each day. That is how God works. He directs us and if we listen and follow, we are better for it. If we try to make it our way, the expectations we put on ourselves will disappoint us. So for now, I will pack my time capsule and trust God that when I open it again I have learned more than I did the year before.

Ecclesiastes 10:13-14

"Fools base their thoughts on foolish assumptions,
so their conclusions will be wicked madness;
they chatter on and on.
No one really knows what is going to happen;
no one can predict the future."