Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Wood Shed

I was taken out to the wood shed today at work. I mean all-out taken to the wood shed. I am sure I deserved it, it was part ignorance to the situation and part split-second decision. Whatever it was, I took the responsibility and accepted the blame and survived the experience. I know it isn't the last time that will happen. I realize that I am out of my little "Home Cocoon" and into the real world now. I also realize how much it can harden you to be yelled at no matter whose fault it is. I know that is something I will have to watch, I have the tendency to inwardly erect the barriers around my soul when threatened by others.

That's what I like about God. He chastens to make us better. He corrects to make us grow. There is no selfish motive in his "wood shed" moments with us. It really does feel different when I think about it. God works for our good, to make us more like Him. I think I would choose a God moment anyday over even a compliment given with selfish intentions.

I know I am going to make mistakes. I am not going to find comfort or excuse in that, but the realization that I need God.

Job 5:17-18

"Blessed is the man whom God corrects;
so do not despise the discipline of the Almighty.

For he wounds, but he also binds up;
he injures, but his hands also heal."